Philanthropy drives an idea
Shoes for you, water for the world.
Thirst grew out of an idea conceived as a senior-project economics thesis: a business that could do well and do good. The principal had an existing connection in the shoe industry. He also had an altruistic interest in assuring access to clean water for those who lacked it.
These two factors converged in Thirst. The company would contribute a portion of every sale to help fund an initiative to drill wells for sub-Sahara Africa communities.
With seed money in hand, the Thirst team was developing their initial infrastructure. But to move toward Series A funding, they needed a polished brand and supporting material to help make a convincing case.
The commitment to providing clean water informed the decision to establish Thirst as a lifestyle and statement brand. Typography choices and consistent visual clues in the photography, for example, helped establish and reinforce who “Thirst people” are.
Building on those branding decisions, Thirst material included packaging design, a website, collateral material, and arguably most important at that stage, a polished and tight presentation for investors.
Armed with their business plan, initial infrastructure, and a solid brand presence, the Thirst team launched the Series A investment push needed to introduce Thirst to the world.
Competitive Audit | Brand strategy | Messaging | Collateral | Packaging | Photography | Website | Email Marketing | Social Media Support
It has been an honor and a privilege to collaborate with you. Thank you for all of your efforts to build the Thirst brand up from nothing. I can’t wait for the next steps and to share the brand with our audience.
— Sam Winslow, Founder